Three tiny, ancient beings - Moss, Burnet and Cumulus, once revered as Guardians of the Wild World - wake from winter hibernation in their beloved ash tree home. When it is destroyed, they set off on an adventure to find more of their kind, a journey which takes them first into the deep countryside and then the heart of a city. Helped along the way by birds and animals, the trio search for a way to survive and thrive in a precious yet disappearing world.
*Shortlisted for the Costa Book Award and longlisted for the Baileys Prize.*
- Author: Harrison, Melissa
- Publisher: Scholastic
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 06/05/2021
- ISBN: 9781913322120
- B-Code: B058853
- Illustrated: B/w line illustrations
- Pages: 265
- Dimensions: 199x150mm
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